by: Bryan Beseler

Everything Matters! The time to act is NOW! by: Bryan Beseler
We here at Auto Rehab LOVE doing our part to save our wonderful Earth! Now, we aren’t going to tout we are perfect, far from it, but we do make the best decisions with what’s available to us each and every day!
We know each decision we make has a direct impact on the Earth in every way possible. Everything on this Earth is here for a specific reason and it’s our job to make sure we don’t destroy it, EVER! From supplies we purchase, to saving water, recycling boxes, recycling oil, recycling coolants, recycling parts and many other operational activities that go into the daily operation of our business. We take it VERY seriously!
First, all used oil goes into a recycling container. We have a certified recycling company come out, pump it out, and they in turn sell it back to the oil companies to reuse it again. We also do the same recycling process with vehicle coolants too!
Second, we recycle all parts boxes, office supply boxes and any other boxes from daily business operations. We most definitely reuse all shop supplies, shop rags, and other shop materials as many times as possible to eliminate as much waste as possible.
Third, we recycle all materials that come off vehicles too! We have a certified recycle company that comes and picks up all our aluminum and metal parts from vehicles on a monthly basis i.e. brake rotors, control arms, radiators, control arms, etc. if it comes off a vehicle we recycle it!
We try to limit all trash going to the landfill.
We always try and source non-harmful, Earth friendly chemicals i.e. cleaning products whenever possible. To be honest it can be done and most times without any additional costs. So we encourage all businesses to do the same. It’s not an excuse anymore.
We encourage all our fellow businesses to STEP UP and make the same amazing daily decisions to save and protect our Earth from its already damaged existence. We don’t need to hit home runs all the time. It’s the daily “GOOD” & “RIGHT” decisions that add up every day that can make ENORMOUS differences on our damaged Earth.
Let’s do this together and make an amazing difference for generations to come both human and non-humans.
Everything Matters!
The time to act is NOW!
Bryan Beseler